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“We achieve the recovery of your funds using experience, strategy and knowledge of banking procedures. Transparency, personalized approach and results are why choose us.”
Chargeback is a refund procedure for disputed or fraudulent transactions through the card issuing bank. We help you gather evidence and apply for a refund.
Chargeback is possible if you were not provided with the services you paid for, the goods were not delivered, the seller turned out to be fraudulent or the debit occurred without your consent.
Our average charterback success rate is over 95%, but it all depends on the individual case. We do a free analysis before we take a case to work.
Chargeback procedure takes from 30 to 180 days depending on the bank, payment system and complexity of the case.
No, we cooperate with international payment systems such as Visa, Mastercard, American Express and also help clients all over the world.
Usually you will need a statement of account, proof of correspondence with the seller, receipts and any other supporting documents. We can help you get them right.
We analyze the reasons for rejection and reapply, strengthening the arguments. If necessary, we provide legal support.
Leave a request - our experts will analyze your case for free and offer the best solution.